Your website is the heart of your online marketing efforts. That much should be obvious to anyone. However, if you’re being pulled in different directions by different parts of your business, all of which are constantly asking you to ‘quickly stick something up on the website’ it can be easy for that site to become a dumping ground for other people’s information. You need to pick a mission for your website and ensure that everything you add to the site helps it to achieve that mission. The mission will vary depending on your business but here are a few examples of what it could be.
- To attract new customers
- To give information and tips to existing customers
- To sell products over the internet
- To direct people to your physical locations and stores
There could be more than one mission but, in most cases, you should have a primary mission that all of your varied marketing activities help to drive. Define this at the earliest possible point and feed that information into your marketing campaigns and you have a far better chance of meeting your goal.