It’s easy to produce a lot of content right at the start of your content marketing campaign and then to pull back as you either get distracted or are disappointed by the initial results of the campaign. As easy as it is to lose heart, it’s important that you don’t as a good content marketing campaign will build in effectiveness over time. If you give up too quickly, you’ll never truly know the impact your campaign could have made.
You can avoid this problem by producing a realistic content schedule right at the start of your project. Make sure that you plan things for at least the first three months so that there is time for you to establish a sensible rhythm and so that you really understand what is working and what isn’t before you start to make any changes. It’s best if you assign the person who will write each bit of content in advance so that you have an idea of the resources that your campaign will require. Finally, ensure that you hit the deadlines and that your content appears at a predictable rate.